Our Lady of the Hills is committed to enrolling students who will most benefit from the OLH college preparatory program. The decision to offer a student admission is made on the basis of a student’s application file, independent of his or her financial circumstances. OLH actively recruits students of all racial, cultural, and economic backgrounds.
The School holds that parents have an obligation to pay for the educational expenses of their children. Within the limits of the School’s resources, the Tuition Assistance Committee offers tuition assistance to families with students in good standing and with demonstrated financial need. Families seeking assistance must apply for consideration. Assistance is awarded to qualified candidates on a year-by-year basis (i.e. an award one year does not guarantee future assistance, and a decision of “no award” one year does not guarantee the same result will necessarily be reached in the future.
Tuition assistance may cover up to (but not more than) 75% of the current year’s tuition for each student- the remaining balance is to be paid by the student’s family. Assistance at OLH is awarded primarily on the basis of financial needs. To begin the process, families must apply for Hope for the Future. An outside agency, FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment is used to analyze and organize applicants’ financial data and evaluate financial needs. Interested families should complete the online application. All financial information provided is held in strict confidence and is only viewed by the Tuition Assistance Committee. The Admissions Committee does not receive information regarding financial assistance requests and therefore admission is not affected by requests. The School Business Manager will notify families of the decisions made by the Tuition Assistance Committee.
Students must first
apply through Hope for the Future which determines the amount of scholarship awarded through the Archdiocese. Our Lady of the Hills then relies on Hope for the Future’s calculations to determine the remaining level of demonstrated need of each applicant. These calculations consider gross income, nontaxable income, assets, liabilities, family size, and situations where the income level does not support the spending level, among other items. Included in this calculation is an allowance for basic living expenses and taxes. The Tuition Assistance Committee reviews this data and will adjust the remaining amounts based upon the submitted student essay, submitted references, and additional knowledge about your unique situation. This process mimics the financial aid application OLH graduates must go through in receiving government funding, scholarships, and grants at the college level.
2025-2026 Hope for the Future Important Dates:

- December 1, 2024 - Hope for the Future - FACTS Application Opens Early Enrollment
- January 31, 2025 - Early Enrollment Ends
- February 1, 2025 - Regular Enrollment Begins
- April 4, 2025 - Regular Enrollment Ends
Once you've applied for Hope for the Future please apply online for the OLH Tuition Assistance Program by May 2, 2025. Families will be notified of OLH Tuition Assistance amounts after Hope for the Future notifications have been processed.
Our Lady of the Hills College Prep has a rolling admissions process. Applications will be accepted for new and re-enrolling families up until the first day of Fall classes. Please note that tuition assistance through the OLH Tuition Assistance Program will only be considered for students who have completed the admissions application. Funding for Hope for the Future and the OLH program is limited and early application is encouraged to secure assistance.
May 2nd: Applications for OLH Tuition Assistance are due. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration by the Tuition Assistance Committee.
Click here to begin the OLH Tuition Assistance submission process online. PLEASE NOTE: The online application requires you to log in with a Google account (Gmail) in order to process uploaded files. If you do not have Gmail, you can submit your documents by dropping off the above requirements to the Registrar in person or emailing all files in one message to
[email protected].